Why rent ?
» For all the reasons which make that this solution was essential in many branches of industry.
Today all is rented and we propose to you all the office furniture in hiring.
Each time you need furniture of temporary use we hold at your disposal of the thousands of operational products instantaneously.
» To rent for the inherent reasons in this activity :
Of a simple call to have the furniture which you need.
Your request transformed into estimate in 1 hour.
Your order furniture delivered installed where which you are in France in 24/48 hours.
Fitting, figuring, storage, transport, assembly, disassembling, financing, maintenance... etc
All constraints related to furniture solved into only once.
More than 500 references furniture at your disposal on request, in the quantities desired and evolutionary in time following your need.
» To rent as solution with your daily problems of manager of company.
To optimize
Vis-a-vis with problems in addition of manpower, to optimize the use of your surfaces in waiting of real solutions (enlarging, removal) adequate.
To show a profit
If you decide to use the same surface for various uses. There it is the furniture which makes the function.
To move
To have a furniture of unballasting to ensure the continuity of the activity of your company.
To renovate
To arrange spaces of transit to accomodate your teams the time of a real restoration (operation drawers).
To create, to develop
To launch a new service, to create a company and to give time to define the perimeter real and movable exact necessary to the correct operation of your organization.
To communicate
To arrange spaces suitable with a communication presses, commercial or strategic quality.
To form
To give the spaces adapted to the valorization of your human resources.
To audit
To give the spaces adapted to the analysts of your activity.
Here some motivations of a manager of company sensitive to a proactive solution: the hiring of furniture.